Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Droplet...

She falls out of the morning sky
With thousands others… sparkling white…
She brings with her the misty chill
Washing away the scary night…

The morning’s still … eyes so blue…
Crunching memories … soothing few…
Finding refuge in your world so new…
Surrounded I stand among the droplets of dew…

The droplet I see gracefully descends …
Settling on a leaf so dead and dusty…
She makes her way through its brittle ribs…
Reviving the leaf, hit by times so gusty…

She slides, she dances …
Living a new morning, she happily prances …
Lost in the mist, I watch her closely …
Mischievous like a child … missing glances …

She gets to the edge and I know she is about to lose her grip …
But she seems not to care much of the end...
She’s at the leaf’s tip and is about to fall off…
A moment before she would disappear in the thirsty land…

And then I see what makes her die with a smile on her face …
The sparkle ... the rising sun puts in her soul makes her immortal…
My naïve self thinks she is set ablaze and will vanish in no time…
But I am wrong and suddenly enlightened by the light that emerges out of her tiny existence …
She departs with a brave heart … lighting up my eye with her radiance….