Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Reason ...

Leaving behind sweet moments is difficult.
It is like, leaving behind  a part of life mercilessly.
And trying to make up one’s mind not to even think about it.
But what when one wants to leave behind sweet-memories-turned-bitter-for-no-reason?
Easy? Not at all!
One moves around with a burden of mixed feelings.
Thinking of how and why it all went wrong.
Finds nothing.
Tries to think it through all over again. Still nothing.
Tired. Tries to sleep.
But cant.
Stares at the ceiling. Runs through the dark.
Finds and loses self over and over again!
Cries the heart out. Asks for answers.
No voices. Nothing.  Just silent pain...
Memories so bitter pinch the heart. Repeatedly.
Every day. Every Night. Every moment.

Then one fine day…
The tired body and mind find a reason.
A reason …to let go the heavy and useless bag of the bitter memories.
A reason to find the old strong self.
And to start a new life altogether.
The day she finds the reason. She finds it all.

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