Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Hero

It kept raining...
Silently in the beginning...and heavily later...
Couldn’t figure out whether they were the clouds above...
Or... eyes...

There was a reason behind the seas being agitated...
Different... were the winds that blew...
It wasn’t so numb in this world before...
Along with the brown leaves ...some greens too flew...

Heavy... were the heads...
The eyes so heavy...
Heavy masses ...heavy thoughts...
Heavy hearts...Don’t know how many...

The Universal eye...sees his life forms...
Aimless...clueless...shaken and broken...
Raking up the wounds again and again...
Burning their hearts... all in vain...

The soul’s now free...
Mixes and mingles with the creator...
Rising up and higher up...
Above all...above us all...

Brave was the warrior...
Courageous heart ,strong brain...
Fought till the last breath...
Fought with all the might against the pain...

He is now an angel...
Residing in God’s care...
He has won it all from beginning to end...
Now he rests in God’s care...

Fleeting today...fleeting tomorrow...
Fleeting joy...sorrows fleeting...
Fleeting winds... fleeting birds...
Fleeting far...fleeting we...

Happy Birthday Jay...Love u!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Eye to a New World...

There comes a time when the senses freeze,
And the winters don’t seem to come to an end...
One feels all that is not to be felt,
Everything one hears is difficult to comprehend...

The blizzard fans the fire,
The ashes of the burnt and the burning fly...
It spreads uncontrolled...swallows the forests,
Unharmed by the water, the winter fire refuses to die...
Heavy hearts, frozen within...
Warmth of the blood gives a last try...
The icy air fills the lungs...
Comes back to life, the Wise Eye...

The world so crowded and noisy...
The souls so cold and crazy...
“It’s dead, the world...”, says the Eye...
“It was a different world, when I last waved a goodbye...”

It sees the unseen and spots the living...
It opens so wide that it finds the meaning...
It never misses a detail even when it stays closed...
It finds the Soul...bright and glowing...

The Eye to a New World has opened for good...
The Vision is back and is all understood...
It would die not and would let not die...
Hidden from the blind...sees it all... The Eye...

Monday, October 31, 2011

My Doll...So Beautiful...

Have gone by years... so many...
Twenty now...aren’t you?
It seems as if it was just yesterday...
That I had held close...my Dolly...so new...

I never had a doll, more beautiful than you...
Never had a gift from Ma so priceless...
You entered my life and it was painted bright...
Your smile got peace to my days so worthless...

My Dolly...so beautiful...do you remember?
How we had played in the muddy rain water...
How you had cried for the lost eraser...
The great rescue you had from your scary teacher...
                The fights we had over petty things...
                Whether Dad was yours and Ma was mine...
                The long hours of dirty homework you hated...
                “How many times to tell u Paandil...this is a point and that is a line!”
You always wanted a dress that was just like mine...
And I wanted your beautiful hair...
The way you would come running and fall into my bed...
“Didi...it’s dark and I am scared...”
I find solace in your lovely face...
Hate your tears ... so very rare...
I long for your soothing voice and supportive talks...
Your loving hands...and the way they care...

The heavens bestowed on me all they had...
And so I have you ...my best buddy...
You are no longer little...
I have seen you grow ...my Dolly...
It is your birthday today and I am away...
But I send you my blessings ...my baby...

Happy Birthday Paandil!!:) love u lots!:*

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Firefly...

The Sun rises with pride,
The' bringer of dawn'... he says... he is...
Shines arrogant, burns bright...
Equal he says ...all brutal and contrite...

Life in many forms...
Hails his name...
He smiles and laughs seeing the insignificant...
His ways grow harsh ...grow more rampant...

As tiny as he could be...
Hides in the woods the gifted one...
Knows not that he is the' hope'...
Hope in the night ...the darkest one...

The Sun sets ablaze all the dried and the dead...
The mauve now  turns to fiery red...
He breathes in the heat, fills his chest...
Molten spreads the solar dread...

Blinded by the light, troubled by the heat...
The bug dares not to step out of the hiding...
He waits and waits longer...
Patience is all what he is preserving...

The fall then begins...
The dusk creeps in and infects the Sun...
The diseased ...now coughs and turns black and blue...
Challenged by time and age ...he finds no clue...

His end comes nearer...
He burns himself to ashes in the evening...
His arrogant remains swallowed mercilessly by the ocean...
He is gone...gone for the night ...to be reborn in the morning...

He gathers guts and steps out now...
Shaky and scared...timid and tiny...
The world seems so hostile to him...
Filled with suns so many ...hot and shiny...
He sees the dark...several times misses the mark...
            Gathers himself ...and finally... lights his little spark...

And there is light!
All around him...and within...
Fearless and strong he sees the twinkling stars applaud for him...
He has conquered the worst ...with his gift so unseen...
The life and death of the Sun now don't really matter...
The firefly smiles to see the way crystal clear
He has found himself in his light...he prays...
If not the day...the night is mine ...he says...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Ma tells me often...
How you had stepped in to see me in her arms...
And smiled...
You had said..."She’s my baby...my baby girl"...

You held me close and I opened my eyes to see you...
God had gifted me my Dad on my birthday...

That moment I hadn’t known,
I would be so lucky to be born to you... Daddy...
I now look back and see only you,
For me it’s none..but just ...you my world...my Daddy...

You helped me take my first step,
You let not my hair be harmed...
You stand by me as always and make me strong...
With you by my side, I can win wars unarmed...

I know not who love is...
But I know you...
I know not what fear is...
Coz I have you...
I need no gold...
But I need you...
I see no God...
But I see you...

I know not ,what my first word was ...but I know what my last would be...
I cease to exist without you...without you, what could I be?

Daddy...Sweet Daddy...
Baby misses you this birthday of yours and otherwise...
May the world’s happiness be all yours...
May you be healthy and strong as always for me...

Love you  Dad! :)...I miss you!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Clown’s Life...

The spectators are seated to watch the show, restless and excited...
It would begin in no time, tells the mother to the crying child,
And ...you would see the dancing animals and the flying trapeze artists,
The man throwing up balls of fire...
The magician who would cut a woman’s body into two and mend it back...

...And yes my child...there would be a simple but colourful entertainer,
Dressed differently from outside and within...
He ...is different and not in the race with the horses...
He ...is special... and he so cannot be described in verses...

And the child hears the drum beats,
The performers walking in...
Fancy - the dresses,  and painted are the faces...
But the clown with the red nose, is what child’s eye catches...

The crowd clapped...

He made faces and laughter spread...
He jumped and fell,
And he yelled with the energy he had...
He was hit by his friend for being foolish, so he cried...
The crowd laughed even when he pretended that he died...
It didn’t matter to him, where the people came from,
It didn’t really matter how old they were...
All that mattered was how many of them burst into laughter...
All that mattered was how many faces were now brighter...

Happy was he to have done well,
 Who knows, how happy... how sad?
He is a clown and clowns are meant to be laughing all the time...
He is a clown and clowns are never meant to be sad...

He has to paint his sorrow with the hue of happiness,
He has to wear all the odds and hide his worry...
He cares not of it all and wipes out the world’s cries...
This is all about...A clown’s life...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I take my chances...

The evening breeze blows past...
Opens the mind’s eye...
Pulls me back to my days of yore...
And...I come back to life...

Why is that I can’t part with the memories?
Does my happiness come from my past?
Am I not living in my present?
Or...Am I not living at all?

Surrounded I remain, by the love of my connections,
Failing to understand my own identity,
Finding it difficult to move away for a while and move on,
Unable to decide whether it is good or bad...

All say...that the true meaning of life,
Is not in the reminiscence...
But one is remembered,
For the courage one shows in starting afresh...

Threads tangle again...
But loosen up easily this time,
Change is hard to envisage...
But I take my chances...