Monday, October 31, 2011

My Doll...So Beautiful...

Have gone by years... so many...
Twenty now...aren’t you?
It seems as if it was just yesterday...
That I had held new...

I never had a doll, more beautiful than you...
Never had a gift from Ma so priceless...
You entered my life and it was painted bright...
Your smile got peace to my days so worthless...

My you remember?
How we had played in the muddy rain water...
How you had cried for the lost eraser...
The great rescue you had from your scary teacher...
                The fights we had over petty things...
                Whether Dad was yours and Ma was mine...
                The long hours of dirty homework you hated...
                “How many times to tell u Paandil...this is a point and that is a line!”
You always wanted a dress that was just like mine...
And I wanted your beautiful hair...
The way you would come running and fall into my bed...
“’s dark and I am scared...”
I find solace in your lovely face...
Hate your tears ... so very rare...
I long for your soothing voice and supportive talks...
Your loving hands...and the way they care...

The heavens bestowed on me all they had...
And so I have you best buddy...
You are no longer little...
I have seen you grow Dolly...
It is your birthday today and I am away...
But I send you my blessings baby...

Happy Birthday Paandil!!:) love u lots!:*


  1. beautiful :) makes me realise that my devils are also so precious :)

  2. God...wont you supply some tissues? :( thanks a lot!!! love you! :* :*
